Direito das sucessões, Direito civil alemão, Sistema da parentela, Sucessão legítima, Sucessão testamentáriaAbstract
The present article aims to present a panoramic study of the law of succession in Germany. It is a study that uses a descriptive and deductive methodology, based fundamentally on bibliographic and legislative research. In order to do so, the text studies the constitutional foundation and the legal sources of the matter. Then, the main rules regarding intestate succession and testamentary succession are examined. Special importance is given to the parentelic system of succession, a subject that has always caught the attention of Brazilian jurists. Remarks are also made about the payment of debts and taxes. Finally, the results of the research indicate that the German legislation was built taking into account the Germanic cultural traditions and the parentelic system, presenting, therefore, important points of divergence in relation to the Brazilian legislation.
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