Information For Authors

LAYOUT: A4 paper. Left and upper margins 3.0 cm, lower and right, 2.0 cm.

The elements must come in the order presented below.


TITLE: in capital letters, arial font 12, single line spacing. Centralized alignment. The English title must follow the same pattern, to be presented, on the next line, after the subtitle, if any.


SUBTITLE: Optional. It should follow the same pattern as the title, and should be separated by a colon.


AUTHOR: it should not be indicated, in order to maintain the blind evaluation process.


ABSTRACT: Include an informative summary, of approximately 200 words, in Portuguese, Arial font, size 12, with simple spacing, preceded by the word “Summary” in bold and capital letters. Justified alignment. The section should be separated from the Title with two blank spaces. It should be presented, in the next line, in English, following the same pattern.


KEYWORDS: Must follow the same guidelines as the ABSTRACT section. The terms used must belong to the Legal Vocabulary authorized on the FTS page (<>). Separated by period. It should be presented, on the next line, in English.


INTRODUCTION: Arial font 12, capital letters. Section title with centralized alignment. Body text with justified alignment, indent 1.5. Line spacing 1.5. It should not be numbered.


SUMMARY: must not be submitted.

SECTION INDICATORS: Arial font 12, capital letters. Left aligned, no indentation. Preceded by Arabic numerals, separated by spaces of one character, without periods or other characters. Separated from the texts that follow and precede it by a line (single line spacing). Pre-textual elements (introduction and references), should have centralized alignment, besides dispensing with numbering.


TEXT BODY: Arial font 12. Justified alignment. Indent 1.5 cm. Line spacing 1.5.


QUOTES UP TO 3 LINES: in the body of the text, following the same rules, in quotation marks.


QUOTES WITH MORE THAN 3 LINES: 4 cm indentation. Arial font 11. Space between single lines (do not separate with a line, nor insert quotes), spacing before and after 6 pt. Deletions at the beginning and / or end of the quotation must be indicated by an ellipsis between square brackets ([...]).


Citations can also be made in the author system: date (APA Norms).


FOOTNOTES: Arial font 10. Simple spacing. Preceded by Arabic numerals, separated by spaces of one character, without periods or other characters. Left alignment, first letter of the second line, below the first letter of the first word, with no space between them. If the note refers to a quote, you must indicate the complete reference:

Last name, Name. Title. City: Publisher, year. Pp (if applicable).

If there is no author, the title must be presented in capital letters, without bold.

If there are several quotes from the same work on the same page, it is advisable to use the expressions id or idem for the same author and ibid or ibidem for the same work (other expressions can also be used, such as op. Cit., Opus citatum, opere citato).


REFERENCES: Arial font 12, capital letters. Aligned to the left, without indentation or numerator. Separated from the texts that follow and precede it by a line (single line spacing). Arial font 12. Left alignment. Single spacing and, between one reference and another, double spacing.

Examples of references:

Work in its entirety.

Last name, Name. Title. X ed. City: Publisher, year.

If there is more than one title by the same author, use an underline equivalent to 6 spaces in place of the author's name.

If there is no author, the title must be presented in capital letters (capital letters), without bold.

Part of a work.

TIMM, Luciano Benetti; GUARISSE, João Francisco Menegol. Economic analysis of contracts. In: TIMM, Luciano Benetti (Org.). Law and economics in Brazil. São Paulo: Atlas, 2012.

Magazine articles:

NALIN, Paulo. The social function of the contract in the future Brazilian Civil Code. In: Revista de Direito Privado, year 3, n. 12, Oct-Dec. 2002.

Articles deposited on a digital platform must follow the same guidelines, p. ex.:

Last name, Name. Title. Publisher or person responsible for publication, city, date of publication, if any. Available at <>. Accessed on 25 mar. 2020.