


Punitive damages, purposes, class action


Considering the autonomy and the purposes of retribution and deterrence, the paper challenges the majority position of the Brazilian practice that mixes punitive damages with individual compensation. Based on the functions and justifications of punitive damages, the paper posits that the institute intends to protect social values unrelated to particular situation of each litigant. Therefore, it suggests that this branch of tort law is bounded to situations which Brazilian procedural law states that may be covered by collective action, excluding those filed by individuals. This perception aims illustrate a better coexistence of the punitive damages with individuals compensations, avoiding awards accumulations and dispersion of lawsuits.


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How to Cite

DIAS, S. B. T. D. O. (2018). PUNITIVE DAMAGES: CONSIDERATIONS ON ITS RELATION WITH BRAZILIAN CLASS ACTION. Faculdade De Direito De São Bernardo Do Campo Review, 24(1), 14. Retrieved from https://revistas.direitosbc.br/fdsbc/article/view/932