
  • Pierangelo Grimaudo Messina Study University


Welfare State, Spain, Social Rights, Human Dignity, Jurisprudence


This article analyzes the evolution of the Welfare State in Spain from a constitutional perspective. Firstly, it explores the transition from the Liberal State, characterized by individual freedom and formal equality, to the Welfare State, which emphasizes social rights and substantial equality, which is only possible through a guarantor state, highlighting the importance of such social rights in today's Constitutions, since they complement traditional negative freedoms and are essential for the realization of human dignity. The focus then shifts to the structure of the Welfare State in Spain, highlighting the interaction between social rights and the principles of equality, solidarity and social justice as fundamental pillars of society. There is also an analysis of both the normative and legal architecture that supports and provides for social rights in Spain, arguing the need for legislation to make them a reality and the challenges relating to their effectiveness, with a reflection on a protection system that includes normative and jurisdictional mechanisms. Finally, the relationship between citizenship and fundamental rights is explored, since the guarantee and expansion of these rights are the basis for political and social participation.

Author Biography

Pierangelo Grimaudo, Messina Study University

Associate Professor of Public Law Institutions at the University of Messina in the Department of Political and Legal Sciences (1.2.2011 - to date).
Professor of public law institutions in the degree courses of Political Sciences and International Relations, of Communication Sciences and Journalistic Techniques, of Comparative Public Law in the Master's Degree Course of Public Administration Sciences, of Comparative Constitutional Law in the Course degree in Political Science, Administration and Services from the same University (to date).


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How to Cite

Grimaudo, P. (2024). BRIEF NOTES ON THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROFILES OF THE WELFARE STATE IN SPAIN. Faculdade De Direito De São Bernardo Do Campo Review, 29(2). Retrieved from