
  • Cícero Waldemir Vital da Silva UNIVERSIDADE DE FORTALEZA


Jair Bolsonaro, 2018 presidential election, Dictatorship, Democracy, Political polarity PT x PSDB, Corruption


This article aims to demonstrate how a far-right candidate, defender of agendas contrary to fundamental constitutional principles, such as the practice of torture, discrimination and the attack on less favored minorities throughout Brazilian history, could be elected with support an important part of the population of Brazil. It is intended to debate how such fact came about, despite the civilizing advances in the defense of fundamental rights since 1988 in a country, whose inhabitants had shown proof that they would not tolerate more speeches of this magnitude, but which ended up guaranteeing comparable setbacks, only, as seen during the military dictatorship started in 1964. To understand the context, a historical retrospective will be made, starting from the military regime, going through the redemocratization and all the governments that succeeded it, with special attention to the transition between the government Dilma Rousseff (mainly her impeachment) and Michel Temer, in which she led to the return of far-right groups jettisoned from power in 2002, but who saw in Jair Bolsonaro the only one capable of standing up to the PT.

Author Biography

Cícero Waldemir Vital da Silva, UNIVERSIDADE DE FORTALEZA

Advogado, Mestrando em Direito Constitucional pela Universidade de Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Graduado em Direito pela Universidade de Fortaleza (2017), tendo concluído o Bacharelado em Primeiro Lugar no Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, com média de 9,82, fato que lhe rendeu a premiação da Bolsa Yolanda Queiroz, garantindo-lhe a integralidade do custeio do Curso de Mestrado.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. W. V. da. (2023). THE DYSTOPIC ELECTION OF JAIR BOLSONARO. Faculdade De Direito De São Bernardo Do Campo Review, 29(1). Retrieved from