About the Journal


Policies and objectives
The Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo Review aims to deepen and disseminate debates with the legal community, observing a good policy and ethical conduct. For that, it uses the experiences of Brazilian law and comparative law. Peer Review Process Evaluation and selection of articles First, the articles undergo purely formal analysis, carried out by the Technical Editor, to verify their adequacy to the journal's policy and objectives, as well as whether they are in accordance with the rules and regulations that Subsequently, they are sent to an ad hoc committee for blind analysis (Peer and Blind Review), formed, in most, by doctors and post-doctors linked to different Institutions, preferably from another Federation Unit, who will receive the articles without any reference. Regarding the identity of the authors, so that the analysis occurs in total impersonal way. The members of the ad hoc evaluation committee, who may be replaced for each issue of the Review, prepare their analytical reports on each article and decline their opinion for approve the paper, with or without changes, or reject it. Only after approval by two ad hoc reviewers are the articles sent for future publication.
The authors of articles with a negative evaluation may, if they wish, receive a justified decision in writing, and may also appeal to the editor, asking for further analysis by other members of the ad hoc commission.


Open Access Policy
This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.