

Environmental Law; Constitutional right; guaranteeism; Environmental Protection; Judicial Activism


This work starts from the guarantor perspective, by Luigi Ferrajoli, to understand the principle in dubio pro natura and its importance for the application of Environmental Law. Through the constitutionalization of the environment as a fundamental and essential right to a healthy quality of life, numerous challenges have arisen for legal professionals in relation to its interpretation and effectiveness. In this way, the mentioned principle can prove to be an efficient tool for constitutional guarantee, in face of the phenomenon of judicial activism. It is understood that the constitutionalization of environmental matters linked to the guarantor theory tends to promote greater legal / constitutional protection for the environment. Notions about Ferrajolian guarantor theory were discussed, giving a brief overview of it. Then, considerations were presented about the normative treatment of environmental protection and how important the 1988 Constitution was for the debate on environmental conservation. For that, a qualitative and bibliographic research was carried out, mainly in the areas of Constitutional and Environmental Law through a deductive methodology.

Author Biographies

Verônica Maria Bezerra Guimarães, Federal University of Grande Dourados

PhD at the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Brasília and doctoral internship at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (2016), supported by CAPES through the Doctoral Program Sandwich Abroad. She works in the areas of Public Law, with an emphasis on Environmental Law, Constitutional Law and Diffuse and Collective Interests; Sustainability policy and management. Currently, she holds the position of Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Grande Dourados - FUGD.

Lucas Stroppa Lamas, Federal University of Grande Dourados, FUGD

Bachelor of Law from FUMT. Master in Borderlands and Human Rights from FUGD. Postgraduate in Environmental and Urban Law and Civil Procedural Law from the Damásio Law Institute of Ibmec Faculty. Member of the Ecophenomenology, Law and Sustainability Science Research Group. Acts as a Lawyer.


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How to Cite

Guimarães, V. M. B., & Lamas, L. S. (2021). ENVIRONMENTAL GUARANTEE IN THE 1988’s CONSTITUTION: THE APPLICATION OF THE IN DUBIO PRO NATURA PRINCIPLE. Faculdade De Direito De São Bernardo Do Campo Review, 27(1), 15. Retrieved from https://revistas.direitosbc.br/fdsbc/article/view/1031