
  • Luis Emilio Ayuso Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Constitutional right, Conflict resolution, Supreme Court of Justice of the Argentine Nation


This work analyzes the requirement of the need for a judicial case for the exercise of diffuse control of jurisdictional constitutionality in the Argentine Republic and how recent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Argentine Nation can influence the requirement of this and , with this, in the exercise of constitutionality control even in its absence.

It is analyzed when, for the jurisprudence of the highest Court, the existence of a judicial case is configured, as well as when it is an abstract case and a non-justiciable political issue.

In short, the Court's journey on these points is analyzed through emblematic rulings that have had an impact not only due to their substance but also to the emergence of new questions around them.

Author Biography

Luis Emilio Ayuso, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law and Human Rights at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Rosario and Adjunct Professor of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Theory and Constitutional Rights and Guarantees at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Rosario of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.


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______. Bussi, Antonio Domingo c. Estado Nacional (Congreso de la Nación – Cámara de Diputados) s. Incorporación a la Cámara de Diputados. 13/07/07, Fallos: 330:3160.
______. Colella Ciriaco c. Fevre y Basset S.A y/u otro. 07/08/67, Fallos: 268:352
______. Compañía Azucarera Tucumana S.A c. Provincia de Tucumán. 05/09/24, Fallos: 141:271.
______. F.A.L s. Medida autosatisfactiva. 13/03/12, Fallos: 335:197
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______. Fernández de Kirchner Cristina en carácter de presidenta del Honorable Senado de la Nación s. Acción declarativa de certeza. 24/04/2020, Fallos: 343:195.
______. Minas Petrus S.A c. Estado Nacional. 28/04/48, Fallos: 210:855.
______. Nobleza Piccardo c. Santa Fe s. Acción declarativa de inconstitucionalidad. 27/10/15, Fallos:338:1110.
______. Procurar c. Estado Nacional y Otros s. Acción declarativa de certeza. 11/08/09, Fallos: 332:1823.
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How to Cite

Ayuso, L. E. (2020). CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEED OF A JUDICIAL CASE FOR THE EXERCISE OF CONSTITUTIONALITY CONTROL IN ARGENTINA. Faculdade De Direito De São Bernardo Do Campo Review, 26(2), 7. Retrieved from